Acupuncture has been used historically in Asian traditions to address most types of pain. Today, it is gaining popularity for managing issues such as back, hip, knee, elbow, neck pain, joint pain, soft tissue injuries, nerve pain (including shingles-related discomfort), overuse syndromes, headaches, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps, and post surgical recovery. Traditional Chinese acupuncture involves inserting ultra-thin needles into specific points on the skin, Needling these "acupoints” relieves pain by stimulating endorphin release, the body's natural pain-relief chemicals, and regulating serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood. Acupuncture also works on the level of the fascia, our body’s three-dimensional network of membranes and fluid that provide continuous connection and communication throughout our entire body. It calms the nervous system, reduces inflammation, and promotes the remodeling and repair of tissue. Injuries and pain often arise from an interplay of factors including external trauma, overuse, postural and movement imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and organ dysfunction that disrupt the body's natural healing processes. By carefully assessing each patient individually, our providers effectively treat pain at its root cause and promote lasting healing throughout the body.